Tuesday 26 November 2013

Months After the Honey Moon ( Continued)

In my last blog on 'Months After the Honey Moon', we concluded that something needs to happen fast. A corrective measure needs to be put in place as it pertains to issues that cause exhaustion and diminish sexual drive in either of the couples for longer than necessary. We will handle that, but not before taking the 3rd point that may cause enstragnement in sexual relationship.

Lack of understanding of moods and mode:
Many times, the man is in the mood but the mode with which he goes about might be wrong. Most men being visual in nature see their wives as sex objects; they believe she is there for sex whenever it is needed. But on the other side, the woman does not understand why he should always be in the mood without undrstanding the mode. The woman by nature wants to be wooed, spoken to gently and carressed before she gets into the same mood as the man. However most men do not understand this aspect, because as far as they are concerned, she is there for him anytime. That is correct but there is a way to go about it. Just like the car is there for you all the time, but there is a way to handle it so that it can respond to you all the time. This lack of response from the wife at all times can cause 'rape' in marriage and has also driven some men to go and look for a girl, pay for it and get what they want. But this is likely because they have not been able to understand how to get the cooperation of their wives at all times. The girl outside is committed to the man's money but not to the man, while the wife is committed to the man.
Little gestures can prepare the spouse for the sexual relationship. But if these are not taken into consideration, the big picture becomes marred and everything becomes blurred and fussy.I once heard the story of a lovely woman who had a midnight fight with her husband over sex; yelling at the husband that 'she is not a dog' while the husband was retorting that she must succumb! The woman had gone out early to work but met a terrible tarffic on her way coming home at the close of work. The traffic was so intense because there was heavy rainfall. Since the vehicles, were more or less at a standstill due to flood and impatient drivers, she got down and walked miles, drenched in the rain and finally got home way after midnight- she spent about 8 hours after a full day work trying to get home. The husband picked a fight with her for coming home so late. She explained her circumstance and soon after the figh, he wanted a sexual relationship with her. The woman retorted, saying that she is not a dog. The man was in the mood but did not understand the mode. As long as he was concerned it was his right even though he had been down right nasty to her just a few minutes before the act. A serious fight broke out in the midnight and other residents of the home were awakened. The brother in law being a man, naturally sympathised with his fellow man saying, it is a painful thing to deny her husband of sex; but he did not understand the emtional pain the woman had gone through. The woman does not want to be a sex object, she wants to be loved all the way into the act.
Can you imagine what difference it would have made if the man had spoken a few words of comfort after he heard of the wive's ordeal. If only he had said, 'oh it is a pity you went through all this, please quickly take a warm bath and have a change of clothes while I get you a warm cup of cocoa drink or something warm to drink'. The woman would have felt cared for and loved and not feel like a tool to be used at anytime.
While the man is wrong in this circumstance, picking up a fight is not the solution or right approach even though I could feel her frustration. Ladies could hint their men on how best to get them into the mood. I use the word 'hint' because most women are secretive in nature. It has been said that the libido of a woman is 3 times higher than that of a man, but the mode needs to be right, for maximum benefit to both parties.
In my next blog, I will be handling tips on dealing with exhaustion from Dometsic Work/Parenting

Friday 15 November 2013

One plus One: Things That are Bound to Happen

One plus One: Things That are Bound to Happen: Hello Good  People, There are certain things that are bound to happen in marriage and in human relationships. Some accept it, others deny ...

Things That are Bound to Happen

Hello Good  People,

There are certain things that are bound to happen in marriage and in human relationships. Some accept it, others deny it, first to themselves and then also deny it to the person or persons they are involved with. Some cover it up, but it does not remove the existence. Some spiritualise it and put the blame on the next person or on every other person around their circle of relationship, but this again does not remove the fact, and the glaring consequences. Rather it drives a wedge in the relationship and deepens the gulf created by the situation.
      In every relationship, no two people have equal attributes. One person may be more accomodating; seeing wrong behaviours and taking it, believing that the other person will soon realise his or her mistakes and put in some boundaries, while the other person will not allow anyone around to cross a line. Another may be more generous while the other is less generous. One may be a risk taker while the other person is not. Another may be very accessible while the other person is not. One may be very outgoing while the other person is an indoor person. Another might like nature watch like myself and the other may love people watch like my husband. We pass through a street and the number of behavioural patterns he (my spouse) will observe is simply amazing and he is always surprised that I did not notice same. I can be glued to one spot for over an hour just watching the sea and he cannot understand what the hell is happening in the river, ocean or sea that I cannot remove my eyes from or causes the screams of joy as the waves go up and come down. What is so  beautiful about a tree? And I go how did you observe all that in less than a second? According to our naija comedians, 'na so life be'.
       But these differences are not really issues for me in human relationships, especially in marriage because I believe that it is a deliberate act of God to bring balance and enhancement in the lives of the people He has brought together. At least if one person wants to give out everything they own in the name of generousity, the other spouse can apply some break and they will be a balance. If the outgoing person wants to stay out all day and go out all weekend, the indoor person can apply some break in the trend to achieve some balance, like wise if the indoor person refuses to mix with friends and family, the other person can also let him or her see the other side of life. But if the two are given to the same equal attributes, then excesses are bound to take place to the detriment of the immediate and sometimes the larger family. Since God wants everything to be done in moderation, many times, two people of opposite or extreme attributes are joined together in marriage so that both can introduce moderation in the life of each other.
       Where couples or friends do not understand this, their lives together will be filled with 'why's'....why this, why that way and the 'why' just continues. It can also lead to serious frustrations because you just want the other person to be like you in everything............that will not lead to onesness. It can lead to so mush frustration that if care is not taken, it will tear the two people apart.
       So we need to recognise the strength and weaknesses of each other, but more important, we need to recognise OUR own weaknesses. This is because if we do, then we can recognise help that God has already provided in our spouse or friend; but when we do not recognise our area of weakness or admit our area of our weakness, then comes the CRUX of my thoughts today. Something happens. A denial occurs, disagreement sets in, finger pointing starts and chaos sets in ,the weakness deepens and frustrations start. The worst is cover up. If you want a wound to heal fast, open it so that it can get some air. Even when you cover it, it is with a bandage that gives room for light and air to get to the wound. No wound looks nice to behold. So people who have wounds are ashamed and they try to hide it away from the sight of other people by covering it. But this does not bring healing. There is healing and already provided help for every wound that you are carrying in someone close to you. Putting the fault on everyother person or on the other person will never heal that weakness. Help begins to set in when we realise it, admit it and receive the help that God has made so readily available for your situation or circumstance. Rececive and do not be shy to leave a comment after reading this or ask questions. You know what, we have all been there; these things are bound to happen. Cheer up.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Months After The Honey Moon

            There is so much fantasies and dreams about sex to the young adults and even Teenagers and this happens well before marriage. In most families, it can cause much concern to parents as they are concerned about children getting involved in the right things but at the right time. Eventaullayy the young ones grow into marriage and there is much liberty for sexual relationship without hide and seek or shame because marriage is the legal institution where sexual relationship can be practised with liberty. But no matter how much we fantasize about the rossiness of marriage while we are still outside the marriage institution; coming into marriage, we are soon faced with the reality that marraige is not a life time of honeymoon.Sexual relationship is ordained by God to create bonding, bring about procreation  amidst pleasure. However sooner than later if the purpose and all uses of sexual relationship is not understood, it can start causing problems. We will be discussing some of these problems that are prevalent in marriages:
  1. Tiredness - soon after marriage couples discover that marriage is not a life time of honey moon. The highest time for honey moon is probably one month. Then both parties are back to realities of life. They probably both go off early in the morning and come back late at night from their diffferent jobs. In some other cases, the woman stays home, but is also saddled with so many affairs of the home that may range from laundry, house cleaning and cooking. The children are not around yet, and most young women want to be the perfect wife at this stage. Soon after she gets a moment to herself, the spouse is back from  work. At this stage, the excitement of marriage is still very fresh and both can still go on coping irrespective of the various stress of the day without noticing  exhaustion. However, soon after, pregnancy may set in and some women start reacting differently to sexual relationship as a result of the hormone changes going on in the body.
          Apart from this, there is work stress and everyday life challenges like finance,
          parenting and emotional challenges that may  also cause exhaustion. Part of the
          ways for overcoming this, is for couples  to make a concious effort to create
          time for each other to enjoy some relaxation away from the routine busy and
          sometimes crouded atmosphere of the home.
          Each one can talk about their fears and challenges and both proffer practical
          solutions. Example of a discussion;

'       Husband: "I get so tired after driving through the traffic that all I want to do when
                          I get home is eat and hit the bed like a log of wood'.
        Wife:        '' Well you could have a hot bath and also do you think that a massage can
                          ease off the tiredness?  Alternatively you go in very early and close a
                          little bit earlier so that you can beat the heavy traffic period if possible'
 I doubt if there is any husband that that would resist a warm bath and a massage from the wife and ofcourse the other way round if the wife is the exhausted party.

 If both spouses are tired at the end day it can also be discussed and solutions reached by both as this important relationship should not be denied longer than necessary to avoid any party having a reason to look outside. We must state that no reason is good enough to look  for sex outside of marriage because that is breaking a covenant made before God and it has serious repercussions, that may not be immediate. However if any of the couple avoid sexual relationship for more than a month as a result of tiredness, then there may be a fundamental problem that needs to be tackled. But the way and manner of tackling this need to be carefully thought out and chosen.

2. Domestic Work/Parenting:
    This often takes a toll on the wives time and eventually her body and strength. A lot of wives cope with jobs, dometic work and parenting. It is only human to be exhausted at the end of the day. Some cope with these with school runs inclusive. They drop off the children on their way to work and pick up the children on their way from work, prepare the meals, supervise the eating time, take phone call from her mother who may have some issues with her sibling amidst getting things ready for school  for the next day and sometimes the list can be endless. On the other hand, the husband may still be stuck in traffic and comes home depressed and the only way he can get some sanity is to have a sexual relationship with this wife who is already spent. At this point, sex has become just another exasperating duty to the wife; as she may feel under this circumstance that she has been tied to a stake and being whipped, instead of romance. At this stage some women may begin to wonder if this is still the so much desired closeness with a spouse that she dreamt about for many years before marriage. The 'almighty' sex is fast turning  into an additional burden of the day. Unfortunately, many are so shy of this topic and so many bottle up without seeking solutions and it begins to add unnecessary weight to the marriage.

Something needs to be done; a corrective measure needs to be brought in at this point. (to be continued)

Friday 8 November 2013

When Things Do not Go As Planned

It is a fact of life that sometimes; if not many times human plans do not work out as planned. In most situations, it can be depressing because of dashed hopes and expectations. If this happens a fews times, it can lead to frustrations and finger pointing will rear it's head. Some men may start accusing their wife of witchcraft, while the woman may accuse the husband of recklessness or whatever best describes the reason for the aborted plans to her. The truth is that this is the wrong approach to handling dissatisfaction
emanating from failed plans or delayed manifestations of aspirations and dreams. Couples are not only one when all is good and things working as planned. They are also one when when plans fail and when dreams are delayed. The right approach to handling these moments of dissappointment and down time is to be an encouragement to each other. Analyse the situation together and come up with solutions together without pointing fingers at each other. This way, if any of the partners is responsible for the situation, he/she will not feel crushed by the additional blame but will rather be resolved to do better in future while the love and peace in the family continues. I pray that the Lord will grant couples patience and understanding in the name of Jesus. In due course, you will reap if you faint not. GOD BLESS YOU.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

After The Vows

The most popular of the wedding vows is for better for worse, in sickness and in health for richer for poorer till death do us part.

for better for worse

When this vow is made by couples on their wedding day, many actually focus on 'for better' and reject  'for worse' and some churches do not allow the negative part of the vows any more. However, rejecting conditions that are unpleasant to couples (for worse) does not take those conditions away from any marriage. That is reality; it is a fact of life. These are situations that proove the marraige. Surviving those conditions make the couple to emerge stronger and more united. The buidling blocks beaten by rain and other elements of the weather are stronger than the newly moulded ones. The newly moulded ones may look more attractive, but is more likel;y to crumble if used to build a house while it is still new and fresh. Therefore, builders go the extra mile of pouring water for days before the newly moulded blocks can be used for building.

Weight challenges are inevitable in most marriages, both for the wives and the husbands. No matter how much we try, wear and tear sets in. Some at a faster rate than others, depending on a lot of factors. Amongst the first set of factors are the following:

  1. Regular meals - most ladies do not eat regularly before marriage. But with marriage, there is a responsibility to feed the husband well. This is even before pregnancy occurs for most ladies. With cooking three meals daily, and eating together, some weight gain is noticed in both as quickly as even a month after the wedding. Compliments keep flowing in from friends and well wishers. The wife is happy because everybody is commending her good works showing on the husband. However, without knowing it, the 'expansion programme' has started for both of them. Sooner than later the man's stomach is taking a different shape, but it still looks ok and he feels that he can manage this; the woman feels same, or gets pregnant so is not bothered yet about weight. But something is already happening.
  2. Pregnancy - with pregnancy comes additional weight gain, but the woman feels that she will handle this as soon as she gives birth. However, breast feeding sets in immedaitely and the woman is supposed to feed well. Most women also get helps to assist with the domestic work in the house. This flings any little exercise most women get from domestic work as very soon, they get used to having a help do the most minimal chores. They sweep, wash the bathrooms and toilets, grocery shopping and  laundry as well. All these are good avenues for exercising and burning fat and there is a good reason - the woman needs help.
  3. Drivnig - most people drive to places that they would ordinarily have walked to because they now own cars and are just used to getting to these places faster by driving.
I really would  not like to go into much details on reasons for weight gain as that is the not my main focus  in this post. My focus is when the weight gain has occured, how do we react to our spouses and how do we react to the reaction of our spouses.

The reaction depends on likes and dislikes of people. Some prefer to look bigger while others, prefer them with little or no weight gain if possible. For those who want their spouses to gain weight, all welll and good; but just consider the health factor of gaining weight as many have lost their lives out the ignorance of the fact too much weight gain causes a lot of sicknesses and may lead death and has actually led to the death of many.

For those who do not like much weight gain, the reactions of the spouses may vary as follows:
  1. Embarrasment - the spouse is embarrassed and might start avoiding appearing publicly with the partner handling weight challenges.
  2. May kill attraction and affect the sexual relationship - some spouses are driven into the dangerous adventure adultery while some simply recoil in. 
  3. Some become unkind and feel the partner with the challenge is sloppy, greedy and lazy; so they make unkind remarks.
  4. Unpleasant remarks from people on the streets, taxis, buses etc; the stares, the gazes.
Whatever the challenge may be, challenges are meant to be overcome.
  1. It can be quite painful if your spouse is no longer proud of your looks and as such does not want to show you off. That's simply what the embarrasment is all about. It is not hatred, he/she is simply dissappointed by the new look. He/she  feels betrayed and expects that  you will understand that this new look would embarras him. He/she begins to feel that you do not care about her/his feeling. It is similar to the feeling of betrayal most women feel when their spouses who showed so much care during courtship start abusing them physically right after marriage. They feel that the love and care was a 'ploy' used to lure them into marriage only to show their true colour after. Likewise, the spouse feels that the slim and trim looks was just a ploy to lure him into marriage and now that marriage is achieved, the spouse does no longer care about his ego. He feels that the person he got married to is fake.
  2. The lack of sexual drive is a function of 'chemistry' that I must confess I have no expalantion for. People are simply attracted to different types of looks and it is not intentional that the drive went and comes back when the spouse takes on the looks that attract them. But in as much as we want to please our spouses, we also need to please ourselves and I have discovered that when we pay attention to our looks, we are happy  and invariably our spouses and even other people are pleased with our looks.
Both the offended party and the 'supposed offender'  need compassion and understanding. Make known your concerns in a kind and gentle way.
  • we need to heed the simple jovial warnings. It may be passed accross in the atmosphere of laughter but they mean it -about 2 years after wedding, my husband came into the kitchen, and jokingly lifted up one of  my arms, and hailed me ;'christian mother!' while shaking the arms to show me the weight that was gethering there. It was funny to me but I understood that he passed his concern on in a kind way, so I did what I could not to ignore his concern because at that time even getting the right food was very expensive for us so we all ate what came our way, I walked at the slightest opportunity and handled house chores a lot, and you will never imagine how weight I lost as a reslut of that.
  • I would advocate challenges be discussed and efforts to lose weight also be discussed. Some people make efforts but keep it to themselves.
  • Most of the changes in the woman's body are prices paid for the beautiful children both couples have and enjoy.
  • The introduction of remote control for Televisions, Airconditioners and even Fans, took it toll on the weight gain experienced by a lot of us as the little exercise of getting up to switch the TV on/off as well as the Airconditioners was taken off. This leads to people sitting in front of the television for long hours without any movement.
  • If driving to the market, park a long distance to the shops so that a long walk can be taken to the shops and back to the car. That's an additional way of getting exercised.

Finally, these challenges can be compared to the elements of the weather buffetting your marriage. Be encouraged because it has its beautiful purpose which is to strenghten your marriage by the time you have gone through it. Just like Nelly says, it will end in praise and when you tell the stories of how you overcame, you will understand the purpose of the challenge better by and by. No one can replace you in the heart and life of your spouse when you have taken the buffeting and loved him through it all and emrged a winner that you were fashioned to be. Girlfriends will expire like NAFDAC regulated medication. You may ask Dora what is done with expired drugs.

Monday 4 November 2013

One plus One: The Necessary Absence

One plus One: The Necessary Absence: In many homes, regular absence of one of the spouse is often unavoidable for the common good of the entire family due to proffessional deman...

The Necessary Absence

In many homes, regular absence of one of the spouse is often unavoidable for the common good of the entire family due to proffessional demands. This is prevalent in proffesions like medicines, military, missionary,engineering and many other proffessions that require outstation like aviation.
     This necessary absence many times put pressure and strain on the marriage. The spouse whose job does not require much mobility begins to feel that her/his right to her/his spouse is being encroached upon by the carreer. He/she may feel cheated as the tasks of home seems to rest more on the shoulders of the spouse whose career does not require so much mobility. He/she feels abandoned and left out even as some evenings and weekends which are taken to be a general gift to the family are sometimes encroached upon due to same demand.
    The non high mobility spouse begins to hate the career of the spouse and unconsciously feels that the career is contending with his/her position as the spouse. Some utter words like 'you might as well get married to the job'. Others say, '  you have to choose either me or your job'.
  1.   As challenging as this sitaution may be, the couple need to remember that this unavoidable absence is for the common benefit of the entire family.
  2. The party that is always away should try as much as possible to carry the other spouse along through phone calls, instant chats, discuss things of interest in the place of work with the spouse and call at least once or twice  during the course of the day. This builds confidence in the spouse that she, (if the female spouse) is not just a piece of furniture to decorate the home.
  3. Upon the return of the mobile male spouse, it natural to want to be pampered and taken of by the wife. Wives please cooperate.
  4. However the man should also understand that the woman faces certain pressure so should assist with some chores that pose serious challenge to the wife in his absence, after he has taken his rest. Chores like school runs (this will also enable him put in the father value in the children as they mingle. No matter how caring a mother is to her children, the role of the father is very important), chores like carpentary works, ensuring the cars are in good shape etc. Where this is not practised, most couples end up quarelling and it will seem as if the presence of the visiting spouse is not welcome. But the issue is that the wife does not get some relief from the visit of the mobile spouse and many times, may not be able to articulate the problem, so it spills out in irritable behaviours and quarrels - it becomes worse when it is time for the spouse to travel again.
  5. The non mobile spouse should remember that if the spouse does not have a job, it will bear another type of pressure on the marriage.
Finally, what is required here is patience and understanding because such situations are just for a season and it will pass and both couples will be together again as much as they want. May the Lord grant peace and deep insight to couples in this scenario in Jesus Name.