Friday 18 October 2013

The Covenant

1+1=1 The covenant.
Marriage is a covenant and like every other covenant should be treated as a covenant. It is an agreement between two people in the presence of witnesses, moreso before God. Friends and families troop in from different cities and sometimes different countries to witness this agreement. Preparations sometimes start as far back as 9 months before the event. The agreement takes place
 in the midst of celebrations, involving music, dance, food galore, photographs, videos, gifts, special clothes for the couple, news shoes. In some cases long bridal train, groom's men etc. The celebrations sometimes last for about 3 days. Marriage vows are made as follows: to be with each other for better for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do the couple part. In summary, it is an agreement to stick together and be faithful to each other until death. One of the highest agreement in the entire world that has produced families of the earth. Yet in recent times, more attention is paid to the celebration marking the agreement than to the terms of the agreement. Even the terms of a business agreement now seems to be more honoured than the agreement of the sacred institution called marriage. Either the man or the woman gets sick and the healthy person begins to move away from the bed even when the sickness is not infectious. Some abandon their wives in the hospital. Some abandon their wife in the hospital or mistreat her if she does not give birth to the gender he expected. Some women abandon their husband or begin to disrespect them when he is out of job or money is not coming in as before.
One of the most amazing is men who complain that their wives breast is no longer  firm and pointed as before. This is as a result of time which passes over everyone and everything. They start admiring and going after younger ladies. This attitude has put a lot of women under pressure and they do not breast feed babies properly so that the breasts will remain firm. The man should understand that this is the price she paid for feeding the children they both have and are so proud of. He should be grateful to her.
The marriage covenant is a shelter for the couple (TD Jakes). When any one begins to operate outside the covenant, he or she is operating outside the shelter and can be hit by flying objects. May God give you higher interpretation. But I pray that anyone straying away from the terms of this agreement; be it man or woman will turn around in the name of Jesus. AMEN.

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