Sunday 13 October 2013

1+1 = 1 Learn from each other

1+1 = 1 Learn from each other
A few years after my sister got married, I noticed that she had become very much aware of the political situation in the country, quite unlike her before she got married. I knew immediately that the insight came from her husband.
No man is a custodian of ALL knowledge. Married couples should learn from each other. Most men by virtue of their position as heads of family often slide into the erroeneous position of believing and also displaying an attitude that they know and understand all issues more than their wives. But this is not always correct. Each party has something to learn from the other and this is part of God's plan in bringing people together in marriage - to enhance their knowledge and understanding and make them a better and improved 'ONE'.  The bible says that they were 'both naked and not ashamed' - referring to the first couple on earth. This is not just physical nakedness, but also openess in every area; expressing your ignorance and fears without being ashamed and also bringing solutions to the table without being arrogant. A marriage relationship that lacks understanding of this will not benefit from treasures hidden in the husband or in the wife. Next time, you are confused or afraid, share your fears with your wife or husband and you will be amazed the solution that can come from such openess. God bless you.

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