Saturday 4 October 2014


GOOD day people

Back to God's arithmetic for marriage! It is a great mystery, yet a profound truth that is achievable with faith in God, prayer and practice of wisdom. This plan of God has eluded many, who set out to be one from the day they were joined together as husband and wife in a gathering of people. And in earlier posts, some of the reasons were mentioned .Today, we will start a focus on moderation. Moderation simply defined is; not too much and not too little.
A lot of people take lack of moderation in affairs of life for granted. But this can easily set the clock of life backward in human relationships; including the MARRIAGE relationship. Lack of moderation in talking, lack of moderation in working, lack of moderation in spending, lack of moderation in dressing, lack of moderation in making friends and lack of moderation in relationship with friends, lack of moderation in furnishing the home, lack of moderation in relaxing/sleeping be it the woman or the man that over indulge in this, and the next point may surprise you, and that is lack of moderation in praying and fasting! I need to be clear that I am not advocating that couples should not fast and pray, but we are talking about moderation. When couples fast and pray, they do not indulge in sexual relationship and the bible is clear that this should not be for too long so that the couple will get back together again and satan will not tempt them.
So if God expects us to practice moderation in fasting and praying, how much more in other areas of life.
Satan is bound to creep in, in any area of life that we do not apply moderation, including eating which is essential for strength and good health. Many have dug themselves early graves with fork and knife, by over eating and /or eating the wrong things. While many have also fallen sick and some died as a result of too much abstinence from eating for whatever the reason may be. What about lack of moderation in talking? Family wars that have the potential to lead to tribal and even world wars have been caused by too much talk. Societies, communities and even churches have suffered from this aspect of lack of moderation and I will be sharing examples. Friends and good people; this is an introduction. Bible says, 'let your moderation be known to all men'. Please stay tuned. God bless you and cause each and every one of us to begin to look in ward as we examine this topic.

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